Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD USA
Sunday 16 November - Wednesday 19 November, 2014
Student Center - BALLROOM
1700 East Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251 USA


NOTE: Registration/Fees must be submitted before program slot scheduled


“The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature,” A. Einstein - Nobel lecture 1923.

"I am standing on the threshold about to enter a room. It is a complicated business. In the first place I must shove against an atmosphere pressing with a force of fourteen pounds on every square inch of my body. I must be sure to land on a plank traveling at twenty miles a second around the sun --a fraction of a second too early or too late, and the plank would be miles away. I must do this while hanging from a round planet, head outward into space and with a wind of aether blowing no one knows how many miles a second through every interstice of my body. The plank has no solidity of substance. To step on it is like stepping on a swarm of flies. Shall I not slip through? No, if I make the venture one of the flies hits me and gives a boost up again; I fall again and am knocked upward by another fly; and so on. I may hope that the net result will be that I remain about steady; but if unfortunately I should slip through the floor or be boosted too violently up to the ceiling, the occurrence would not be a violation of the laws of Nature, but a rare coincidence. These are some of the minor difficulties. I ought really to look at the problem four-dimensionally as concerning the intersection of my world-line with tat of the plank. Then again it is necessary to determine in which direction the entropy of the world is increasing in order to make sure that my passage over the threshold is an entrance, not an exit. Verily, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a scientist to pass through a door." --Sir Arthur Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World, 1928

The last age of discovery occurred about 100 years ago at the turn of the 20th century with the advent of Quantum Mechanics; the 2nd regime in the progression Classical Mechanics - Quantum Mechanics and now to the advent of the 3rd regime: Unified Field Mechanics. Our goal is that this IXth Vigier conference will make a bold attempt to try and create a place in history like the series of Solvay Conferences (Conseils Solvay) beginning in Brussels, Belgium 1n 1911, where Niels Bohr (5th, 1927) told Einstein to 'stop telling God what to do.' May we put our minds together, seek inspiration, and do our best to begin to rigorously formalize Unified Field Theory. - Chairman Amoroso


Chairmen Profs. Richard L. Amoroso, Peter Rowlands & Louis H Kauffman 

Keynote Speakers:


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